Les Knooks

Knooks are immortal creatures ruled by a King, under the command of Ak the Master Woodsman.
The duty of the Knooks is to care for the beasts of the world, both gentle and wild. Their laws are obeyed by even the most ferocious animals, and are second only to the laws of the Master Woodsman
Les Knooks sont des sortes de lutins immortels dont le rôle est de protéger toutes les bêtes du monde, qu'elles soient sauvages ou apprivoisées, mêmes les plus féroces leur obéissent. 
Les Knooks obéissent au Roi des Knooks et au Prince des Knooks ; le Roi des Knooks vit dans la jungle en Inde, tandis que le Prince des Knooks vit dans la fôrêt de Burzee sur le Continent Nonestique.
The Knooks generally seem old and worn and crooked, and their natures are a bit rough from continually dealing with wild creatures. Groups of Knooks live in every forest on earth, from Burzee to Ethop, and share a secret sign and signal which entitles the friend of one band of Knooks to ask assistance from any Knook in the world. The band of Knooks who live in Burzee are ruled by the Prince of the Knooks.
The Knooks of Burzee are friends of Santa Claus and built his home in the Laughing Valley of Hohaho. They also keep him well supplied with firewood. Peter the Knook gave him a cat named Blinkie as a friend and companion, and he later became one of his trusted servants. During the battle against the Awgwas' forces, the Knooks were able to stab some Giants of Tartary while the rest of the Giants of Tartary retreated. (The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus)
A dozen Knooks accompanied Santa Claus to Emerald City where they attended Ozma's birthday party. (The Road to Oz)
The Prince of the Knooks is an immortal who rules the Knooks of Burzee, under the command of the King of the Knooks and of Ak the Master Woodsman.
He decided a dispute between Will Knook, the keeper of the deer of Burzee, and Santa Claus, who had taken a pair of deer on a nighttime journey. At the encouragement of the Great Ak, and against the objections of Will, the Prince decreed that certain deer should be set aside as reindeer and were permitted to accompany Claus once each year, on Christmas Eve, as long as they returned to the forest by daybreak. (The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus)
The Prince of the Knooks is a personal friend of Prince Marvel — or rather of the fairy who became Prince Marvel for a year. (The Enchanted Island of Yew)
Ak is the Master Woodsman of the world, ruler of the forests, the orchards, and the groves. He is one of three beings to whom all other immortals are subject, the others being Kern the Master Husbandman and Bo the Master Mariner. These three see everything and know more than the sons of men.
Ak carries an ax and has a grizzled beard which he rubs when he is thinking. His old servant is named Nelko.
He travels the world visiting his forests, invisible to mortal eyes. He often visits the Forest of Burzee to spend time with the Wood Nymphs, whom he loves as children.
Although he understands that suffering is the natural lot of mortals, he occasionally helps mortal infants and children who are in distress. On one occasion, he rescued an abandoned baby from Shiegra the lioness, commanding her instead to feed it. This child eventually grew up to be known as Santa Claus.
As mankind grew in number and spread across the earth, they began to cut down the forests. Ak understands, however, that the world was made for men and is glad that he could guard the forests until they were needed. Burzee, the Great Black Forest, and the wooded wilderness of Braz are some of the few places men are not expected to reach.
When Claus was a young man, Ak took him on a journey around the world. This was his first encounter with his own race, and Ak explained to him the lot of man. When Claus dedicated his life to the happiness of children, Ak encouraged him and provided much help.
Later, when the Awgwas threatened Claus, Ak confronted them and demanded that they stop. The Awgwas refused and declared war on the immortals. Ak gathered his Fairies, Ryls, Knooks, and Wood Nymphs to defend Claus. An epic battle then took place which is sung of in Fairyland to this day. Ultimately, the Awgwas and their evil allies were defeated and destroyed.
When Claus grew old and was near death, Ak called a Council of Immortals and asked that the Mantle of Immortality be bestowed upon the Patron Saint of Children. (The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus)
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